Getting involved in our Academy; student to senior process is lifechanging but not for the feint hearted... This video may change your life. If not you will know someone who it will do that for. Please watch this video if you still have any questions or doubts... |
Please click on this link to watch the full video, transcribed from this site. |
Not everyone who embarks on the step program outlined in this program will be required to start from a blank canvass, which is step 1. Steps 1 - 5 and at a much later date, step 6 may start out on the program from the position they are at, naturally. This would mean that a step 5 would already be at a required level to undertake heroics but would not necessarily need to reset their mind in order to regain these skills. However, should a step 5 require to become a step 6 - this may only be achieved by regression. All candidates who are called for regression will not necessarily know they are being called by us. Most of them will attain a higher level than what is naturally theirs and the successful ones will become Seraphim. Finally you may not choose whether you are a candidate for regression. You will be, or already have been chosen.
Welcome to the Academy! Here is where begins a filtering of a maelstrom of innovation. All ideas are developed here to become fruits that nourish the future of ourselves and everyone touched by our collective creativity. What initiates in the think - tank (studying the universal arts) before joining us and pooling your resources with our other students and seniors, develops into an interactive hotbed of making dreams happen. This means, that even before the initial thought has entered your head - there will be an industry, club, business, charity or organisation, all practices within our umbrella, that have been set - up with your development progress, both personal and in h ... Read more »
This is the entry portal to all those who choose to become users of our systems. The entry level is determined by a specific type of experience - relevant only to SAFCOMMS and UMOSRAS. You will probably be able to determine your own level, without too much self analysis. The Step program on the list above this page will guide you through the steps you must take, or may have already taken to progress.